dimarts, 7 de desembre del 2010

In two weeks

Last days I was very under stress. I had to finish the “treball de recerca” because last Thursday all the class must given that to her tutor. “Treball de recerca” is a work that is done in Catalunya which is obligatory for students who curse 2n of Batxillerat. It is consist of a work which you can choose a topic of whatever you want but, obviously, something that you like. So, when you have the topic chosen, you have to explain that a do something practical also relacionated with that. To do that in my case, I had to put a lot of hours and now I hope that it will be reward with a good mark.
But, “treball de recerca” doesn’t finish here, now I had to prepare the oral presentation. Now I’m preparing the presentation with the support of a power point. The presentations of each “treball de recerca” will be next 15, 16 or 17 of December. I suppose that I will be very nervous because I don’t like nothing talk in public and also I need to bring something in one hand because like some people, I don’t know to put my hands and that puts me more nervous.
After that I will left back “treball de recerca” and I will be more concentrate in the study, because when I was doing the work I didn’t have time to study the subjects like biology, chemistry, English, Catalan… and the marks weren’t the marks that I want and that I need to go to the university next year.

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